BLB logo June 2017 no VANEL logo

Welcome to BLB

Start here. Find out all about Blue Lights Brigade (BLB) – a programme getting retiring/recently retired ex-emergency services personnel volunteering in the community

Why Volunteer?

Have you considered volunteering? It keeps your skills alive and you can be useful in the community…

Safe and Well visits

After training, we have some BLB volunteers putting their past experience to good use carrying out Safe and Well checks on homes alongside Humberside Fire and Rescue. Find out more.

How we are funded

Thank you to all the organisations including NESTA, Big Lottery, Tribune Trust, Humberside Fire and Rescue and others who have provided us with grants or other funding to make BLB happen. Find out about our funding.


Become part of a BLB run Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) in your area. Use your skills to become part of the solution to community resilience.
Former police officer Martin Steedman is the latest recruit for our unique BLB volunteer force which aims to make our region. Read on for the whole story.

Featured Story

Former police officer Martin Steedman is the latest recruit for our unique BLB volunteer force which aims to make our region. Read on for the whole story.
Former police officer Martin Steedman is the latest recruit for our unique BLB volunteer force which aims to make our region.

In the Press

Stories about our volunteers, our events and our successes that make it into the press.

Image Gallery

A collection of Photographs


BLB is closely connected to Neighbourhood Watch and Humberwatch across the Humber region. Find out more. If you’re connected with a Neighbourhood Watch and haven’t yet spoken with the BLB team we’d like to hear from you.

Are you retired or soon to retire ex-emergency services?

If you’ve retired (or soon to retire) from Police, Fire, Ambulance or Military then BLB would like to hear from you. We’re a network of like minded people volunteering across our communities. Find out how to get involved or go straight to the signup form.

Need Emergency Help?

Sorry – BLB are EX-emergency support so we can’t help directly with your emergency now. You’ll need to call 999 or 101 or read on for other useful ways to get support.

Meet the Team

Meet the team leading BLB at VANEL and find out how to get in touch.

River Clean

A regular event on our calendar. Volunteers tidy up the River Freshney (or other outdoor spaces). Our BLB volunteers get their hands dirty (literally) or help coordinate other volunteers.

Cleethorpes Community Cops

This exciting Heritage Lottery funded project is researching the history of policing in Cleethorpes and we’ve got BLB volunteers helping it happen. Learn about the project and perhaps how you too could volunteer and get involved.
