The Supporting Volunteers Award (SVA) came into existence in 2011 and since then has undergone a number of updates and revisions. When you check who already has SVA you’ll see different types of SVA mentioned.
These are as follows:
SVA edition 2
Awarded since 2016 and a rework of earlier versions.
Currently it is SVA edition 2 that is awarded at levels 1 and 2.
SVA edition 2 is awarded for a three year period after which it requires a refresh and renewal.
SVA edition 1
The original SVA – from 2011 until early 2016.
SVA edition 1 was awarded for a three year period, so many of these earlier accreditations are now lapsed.
The Supporting Volunteers Award (governance edition) specifically aimed at committees and boards of voluntary sector organisations to address the often overlooked fact that all Trustees and committee members are also volunteers.
SVAg is currently in BETA release for formal launch later in Autumn 2017. There’s more information here or contact us if you need to know more.